Oh No, Now What? Fixing Basic Mistakes
Mistakes Happen
but it's what happens next that makes the difference. Knitting with the confidence that you can correct any imperfections and mistakes without having to start all over each time offers a knitter a level of comfort to try new and adventuresome projects. The growth and sense of accomplishment that accompanies the challenges a knitter might confront when taking on any project or technique is part of the rewards of the craft. No body wants to feel as if they have to give up just because they may make a mistake.
This class starts with the idea that success comes from strategies to avoid mistakes. It then covers how to recognize when things aren't just right, diagnose what went wrong, and then moving into methods for correcting common things such as, twisted stitches, incomplete stitches, extra stitches at row end, how and when to rip out many rows (frogging), backing out of stitches (tinking), fixing dropped stitches, missed increases/decreases, and extra increases/decreases.
If you have a particular problem that seems to be a repeat offender for you, let's figure that out, too.
One 2 hour session.
Cost $50
You Will Feel Like a Knitting Superstar
Your Knitting Fix-it Bag Will Be Filled with Tricks
Images by Svetlana Begovchuk, Jane Ire, fortune_32, Practical Artist, Ms. Nnysha, happy go lucky, Kathynivy.com, and Urban Sea Star.
When You Attack Those Pesky Errors
Mistakes are part of knitting. Learning to avoid, limit, recognize, and correct mistakes help to make knitting more fun.
Pre-requisites for this class include knowing how to cast-on, make a knit stitch, and make a purl stitch.